And here's a teaser for you!!! This is the very first cover fragment from my new release, ANGEL OF SHADOW, book 2 in the Wormwood series. If you look closely, you might be able to see some elements that could be on the cover. Can you guess what it may look like?
This is also the ONLY cover fragment I will share with you. Once the event begins, ONLY HOST BLOGS WILL SHARE ANY COVER IMAGES, until the cover reveal event wraps up on December 11th. |
In the meantime, you can get a jump on the GIVEAWAY, which will run throughout the event.
Read on for Angel of Shadow's blurb...
Angel of Shadow, the Blurb:
Half-angels, known as Nephilim, have all but destroyed the surface of the Earth. Yet for Kali Michaels, her life is now much more complicated than simply surviving. Grappling with her own powerful identity, she worries her connection to the world of Shadows could destroy those around her.
And what if she hurts Tiamat Wormwood, the Nephilim outcast who has given everything to save her? Tiamat and Kali know they have no future—not when outside forces and Kali’s own power push both the humans and the Nephilim to the brink of extinction.
As she fights to stop the inevitable, she is led to question who her real enemies are, and whether the ultimate threat may actually be herself.

To help promote Angel of Shadow's release, Wormwood, the first book in the series is FREE for a limited time at all retail sites. Visit your favourite one today (direct links are on my homepage) or quick link to Amazon here.