So imagine my surprise when I recently opened my email account, and there, staring back at me, was an email from an editor asking to see WORMWOOD’s first 100 pages. Wow. I read it calmly. Finished it. Stood up, walked to the kitchen. Stopped. I turned and strolled to the back deck, closed the door behind me and whooped for joy.
I met this editor at the NY Writer’s Pitch Perfect Conference ( nearly a full year ago. I had pitched my book to her there, even though WORMWOOD was incomplete at the time, and she had shown some interest. I was thrilled that she had asked to see the first three chapters (approximately 30 pages), which I sent to her in eager haste. Now, this was way back in the spring of last year, and in all that time, I had heard nothing back from her. Not a peep. So naturally, I assumed she wasn’t interested, and continued on with my life.
Without looking back, I finished the manuscript for WORMWOOD, created a website, started the PUBLISH WORMWOOD FACEBOOK GROUP (link on sidebar to your left), revised and re-worked the manuscript, started a blog, and even queried a few agents too. I worked hard to get the word out about my story and establish myself through social media, and almost forgot all about that key editor. After all, why dwell on something over which I have no control?
And that’s when it happened. It wasn’t long after I received that rejection from a rather important and established agent (in fact, I had just finished blogging about the rejection) when I heard from that elusive editor. What incredible timing! Now, she’s not even asking to see the full manuscript, so I’m staying cautiously optimistic about this whole thing, and trying to remain grounded. But really, what a surprise! Even if her answer is ‘no’, I still believe this bodes well for WORMWOOD. I’ll take it as a sign of things to come!