When the first version of Leap of Faith (Wormwood) was released on SoundCloud, Orca Flights posted this message below the song: “I wrote this song after reading ‘Wormwood’, my by far favorite novel to read! D.H. Nevins FTW (for the win). A must buy for an all-out heart-pounding adventure of love, war and the great beyond.”
A short time ago, Orca Flights reworked the song and came up with an even more fabulous version. It was just posted on YouTube a few days ago. And though it isn’t yet available for purchase, you can presently listen to it (but not download it) for free. I urge you to check it out. Not only is this tune incredible, but its rhythms, melody and note combinations seem to weave together in perfect balance, creating rare sound blends that actually seem to speak to you. In my opinion, it’s only an exceptional piece of music that can do this, yet I believe Leap of Faith accomplishes it. C’mon... you’re curious, aren’t you? So have a listen—it’s awesome!

“Anything about flying inspires me because as a human, I am jealous of the angels for having wings!” And so, how did he use those feelings to put together such an incredible tune, you might ask? Noah explains, “...when writing the song, I closed my eyes and looked within for the feeling of being in the air. I tried my best to translate what I was feeling into the song. As it progressed, so did the in-flight portrayal of soaring and swooping and being aloft.”
So after the new version of Leap of Faith was completed, I couldn’t resist asking Noah if the re-made tune also had links to Wormwood. Of course, you can imagine what answer I was hoping to hear—and by hoping, I mean fingers crossed, arms crossed, legs crossed, eyes crossed... “They are both inspired by the book!” he responded emphatically. I was sure he was grinning. Having just received some brand new equipment, Noah had a plan. “I thought I’d put it to the test and give Leap of Faith a more 360 feel.”
The song, although shared on YouTube, is not in video form. The sublime music plays over an arresting, dream-like image of ships moving in and out of a gravitationally impossible harbour. A lush, grassy bridge spans a gigantic waterfall, while beams of ethereal sunlight highlight ships sailing UP the waterfall into the great ocean beyond. Kudos goes to concept artist and illustrator JP Targete, who is a “super-talented art student,” according to Noah. I couldn’t agree more. (Click on his name to visit his site.) The image and music pair perfectly, truly taking you on a journey that’s “UP OUT OVER AND BEYOND.”
Thank you, Orca Flights, for the BEST surprise... ever.